SMS related commands

Hint: [RX] (TX)

Message Received Notification [0x30]

Field NameLengthNote
MEM1Memory type (SIM/Phone)
LOC1Memory location (1...)
?1most of time 0x04
PID1Protocol Identifier
DCS1Data Coding Scheme
SCTS7Service Centre Time Stamp
UDL1User Data Length
OAPNUMOriginating Address
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
TA1Type of OA

Reading SMS

Request SMS (0x25)

MEM1Memory Area
LOC1Location in specified memory area

In successful request, phone sends one SMS Header and one or more SMS Data packets. In failure, phone sends SMS Request Failed packet.

SMS Header [0x2c]

MEM1Memory Area
LOC1Location in specified memory area
STATUS20701: Saved, not sent
0501: Sent
0304: Received, unread
0204: Unread
0104: Received, read
PID1Protocol Identifier
DCS1Data Coding Scheme
SCTS7Service Centre Time Stamp
UDL1User Data Length
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
OAPNUMOriginating Address
TA1Type of OA

SMS Data [0x27]

Message is received in max of 55 octet blocks
SEQ1Sequence number of block
UD1...55Block of User Data
Sequence number starts from 0x01 and is increased by 1 after each block transmitted.

SMS Request Failed [0x2d]

EID1Error Identifier

Deleting SMS (0x26)

MEM1Memory type
LOC1Location in memory

SMS Deleted [0x2e]

SMS Delete Failed [0x2f]

EID1Error Identifier

Sending SMS

Sending SMS Header (0x23)

FO1"The First Octet"
PID1Protocol Identification
DCS1Data Coding Scheme
VP7Validity Period
UDL1User Data Length
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
DAPNUMDestination Address

Sending SMS Message (0x27)

Message is sent in max size of 55 octet blocks
SEQ1Sequence number of the block
UD1...55Block of User Data

Message Sent [0x28]

MR1Message Reference

Try Later [0x29]


Delivery Report [0x32]

?10x06,0x02 ???
DTTP-SCTSDelivery time
SCTSTP-SCTSReport time
?1always 0x00 ?
MR1Message Reference
DAPNUMDestination Address
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
TA1Type of DA

SMS Settings in Phone

Write SMS Settings to phone (0x3c)

MASK1Bit mask, which values are saved to ME
PID1Send Messages As...
VP1Validity Period in Relative format
RP1Reply Path
SRR1Relivery Reports
UAPNUMUnused Address
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
TA1Type of UA (if 0, phone sets to correct value)
PID Values for common SMS formats:
Look TP-PID for more info about PID.

SMS Settings Wrote [0x3d]

SMS Settings Write Error [0x3e]


BitAllow change to

Read SMS Settings from phone (0x3f)

SMS Settings not available [0x40]

SMS Settings from phone [0x41]

MEM1Selected memory
SMS's in phone1Number of SMS's in Phone
Unread -''-1Number of Unread SMS's in Phone
SMS's in SIM1Number of SMS's in SIM
Unread -''-1Number of Unread SMS's in Phone
PID1Protocol Identifier
VP1Validity Period in Relative format
RP1Reply Path
SRR1Delivery Reports
UAPNUMUnknown Address
SCAPNUMService Centre Address
TA1Type of UA

First five fields are read-only data and can not be modified via FBUS.

Protocol Identifier (TP-PID)

Bit 7Bit 6Usage
00Assigns bits 0..5 as defined below
01Assigns bits 0..5 as defined below
11Assigns bits 0..5 for SC specific use
In case where bits 7 and 6 both are 0:
Bit 5Description
0no interworking, but SME-to-SME protocol
1telematic interworking
In the case of telematic interworking, the following five bit patterns in bits 4..0 are used to indicate types of telematic devices:
Bits 4..0Description
00000implicit - device type is specific to this SC, or can be concluded on the basis of the address
00001telex (or teletex reduced to telex format)
00010group 3 telefax
00011group 4 telefax
00100voice telephone (i.e. conversion to speech)
00101ERMES (European Radio Messaging System)
00110National Paging System (known to the SC)
00111Videotex (T.100/T.101)
01000teletex, carrier unspecified
01001teletex, in PSPDN
01010teletex, in CSPDN
01011teletex, in analog PSTN
01100teletex, in digital ISDN
01101UCI (Universal Computer Interface, ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)
(reserved, 2 combinations)
10000a message handling facility (known to the SC)
10001any public X.400-based message handling system
10010Internet Electronic Mail
(reserved, 5 combinations)
values specific to each SC, usage based on mutual agreement between the SME and the SC (7 combinations available for each SC)
11111A GSM mobile station. The SC converts the SM from the received TP-DCS to any data coding scheme supported by that MS (e.g. the default).
If bit 5 has value 1 in an SMS-SUBMIT PDU, it indicates that the SME is a telematic device of a type which is indicated in bits 4..0, and requests the SC to convert the SM into a form suited for that device type. If the destination network is ISDN, the SC must also select the proper service indicators for connecting to a device of that type.

If bit 5 has value 1 in an SMS-DELIVER PDU, it indicates that the SME is a telematic device of a type which is indicated in bits 4..0.

If bit 5 has value 0 in an SMS-DELIVER PDU, the value in bits 4..0 indicates the SM-AL protocol being used between the SME and the MS.

Note that for the straightforward case of simple MS-to-SC short message transfer the Protocol Identifier is set to the value 0.

In the case where bit 7 = 0, bit 6 = 1, bits 5..0 are used as defined below

Bits 5..0Description
000000Short Message Type 0
000001Replace Short Message Type 1
000010Replace Short Message Type 2
000011Replace Short Message Type 3
000100Replace Short Message Type 4
000101Replace Short Message Type 5
000110Replace Short Message Type 6
000111Replace Short Message Type 7
011111Return Call Message
111101ME Data download
111110ME De-personalization Short MEssage
111111SIM Data download

A short message type 0 indicates that the ME must acknowledge receipt of the short message but may discard its contents.

The Replace Short Message feature is optional for the ME and the SIM but if implemented it shall be performed as descriped here.

For MT short messages, on receipt of a short message from from the SC, the MS shall check to see if the associated Protocol Identifier contains a Replace Short Message Type code.

If such a code is present, the the MS will check the originating address and replace any existing stored message having the same Protocol Identifier code and originating address with the new short message and other parameter values. If there is no message to be replaced, the MS shall store the message in the normal way. The MS may also check the SC address as well as the Originating Address. However, in a network which has multiple SCs, it is possible for a Replace Message type for a SM to be sent via different SCs and so it is recommended that the SC address should not be checked by the MS unless the application specifically requires such a check.

If a Replace Short Message Type code is not present then the MS will will store the message in the normal way.

In MO short messages the SC reacts similarly but only the address of the originating MS or any other source is checked.

A Return Call Message indicates to the MS to inform the user that a call (e.g. a telephone call) can be established to the address specified within the TP-OA. The RP-OA contains the address of the SC as usual. The message content (if present) gives displayable information (e.g. the number of waiting voice messages). The message is handled in the same way as all other messages of the Replace Short Message Types.

The ME De-personalization Short Message is an ME-specific message which instructs the ME to de-personalities the ME (see GSM 2.22). The TP-DCS shall be set to Uncompressed, Default Alphabet, and Message Class 1 (Me-specific), which corresponds to a bit coding og 00010001. The TP-UD field contains de-personalization information coded according to GSM 02.22. This information shall not be displayed by an ME which supports the scheme. The acknowledgement to this message is a SMS-DELIVER-REPORT for RP-ACK in ehich the TP-User-Data shall be coded according to GSM 02.22.

SIM Data download is a facility whereby the ME must pass the short message in its entirety including all SMS elements contained in the SMS deliver to the SIM using the mechanism descriped in GSM 11.11. The DCS shall be set to 8 bit message class 2 (either bit coding 11110110 or 00010110). The entire user data field is available for SIM Data download.

ME Data download is facility whereby the ME shall process the short message in its entirety including all SMS elements contained in the SMS deliver to the ME. The DCS shall be set to message class 1. The entire user data field is available for ME data download.

Data Coding Scheme (TP-DCS)

Coding Group Bits 7..4Use of bits 3..0
00xxGeneral Data Coding indication
Bits 5..0 indicate the following:
Bit 5
0Text is uncompressed
1Text is compressed

Bit 4
0Bits 1..0 have no meaning
1Bits 1..0 indicates message class

Bit 3Bit 2Alphabet being used
00Default alphabet
018 bit data
10UCS2 (16bit)

Bit 1Bit 0Message classDescription
00Class 0
01Class 1ME specific
10Class 2SIM specific
11Class 3TE specific

NOTE: The special case of bits 7..0 being 0000 0000 indicates the Default Alphabet as in Phase 2

0100..1011Reserved coding groups
1100Message Waiting Indication Group: Discard Message

Bits 3..0 are coded exactly the same as Group 1101, however with bits 7..4 set to 1100 the mobile may discard the contents of the message, and only present the indication to the user.

1101Message Waiting Indication Group: Store Message

This Group allows an indication to be provided to the user about status of types of message waiting on systems connected to the GSM PLMN. The mobile may present this indication as an icon on the screen, or other MMI indication. The mobile may take note of the Origination Address for message in this group and group 1100. For each indication supported, the mobile may provide storage for the Origination Address which is to control the mobile indication.
Text included in the user data is coded in the Default Alphabet.
Ehere a message is received with bits 7..4 set to 1101, the mobile shall store the text of the SMS message in addition to setting the indication.

Bit 3Description
0Set Indication Inactive
1Set Indication Active

Bit 2 is reserved, and set to 0

Bit 1Bit 0Indication Type
00Voicemail Message Waiting
01Fax Message Waiting
10Electronic Mail Message Waiting
11Other Message Waiting*

* Mobile manufacturers may implement the "Other Message Waiting" indication as an additional indication without specifying the meaning. The meaning of this indication is intended to be standardized in the future, so Operators should not make use of this indication until the standard for this indication is finalized.

1110Message Waiting Indication Group: Store Message

The coding of bits 3..0 and functionality of this feature are the same as for the Message Waiting Indication Group above, (bits 7..4 set to 1101) with the exception that the text included in the user data is coded in the uncompressed UCS2 alphabet.

1111Data coding/message class

Bit 3 is reserved, set to 0.

Bit 2Message coding
0Default alphabet
18-bit data

Bit 1Bit 0Message ClassDescription
00Class 0
01Class 1ME specific
10Class 2SIM specific
11Class 3TE specific

FO, The First Octet

RP1bReply Path, if 1, answer to SM is send via same SC
UDHI1bUser Data Header Identifier, UD starts with UDH
SRR1bStatus Report Request
VPF2bValidity Period Format
RD1bReject Duplicates
MTI2bMessage Type Indicator (01 = SUBMIT)

Service Centre Time Stamp (TP-SCTS)

Year1These are in "Swapped Nibble" mode
Timezone1Relation to GMT. One unit is 15min. If MSB=1, value is negative.
E.g.: 0x99 0x20 0x21 0x50 0x75 0x03 0x12 means 12. Feb 1999 05:57:30 GMT+3

Swapped Nibble presentation

BCD code where nibbles within octet is swapped. E.g.: 0x31 Represents value of 13

Validity Period Format (TP-VPF)

Bit 4Bit 3Format

Validity Period (TP-VP)

Validity period specifies the time when SM expires. If SM is't delivered before that moment, it is discarded by SC. Validity-Period can be in three different format; Relative, Absolute and Enhanged.


Time relative to current moment.
TP-VP valueValidity period value
0 to 143(TP-VP + 1) * 5 minutes (i.e. 5 minutes intervals up to 12 hours)
144 to 16712 hours + ((TP-VP - 143) * 30 minutes)
168 to 196(TP-VP - 166) * 1 day
197 to 255(TP-VP - 192) * 1 week


TP-VP field is 7 octets long, containing TP-SCTS formatted time when SM expires.


Too tired to write... RTFETSIM

Type of Address

ValueType of address
0x31International without leading '+' ???

See ETSI's docs for more info.

Store SMS to SIM or ME (0x24)

UD is sent just like when sending, within 0x27 messages.

MEM1Memory area: 2=SIM, 3=ME
Status2These two are the same as in received SM header.
PID1Protocol Identifier
DCS1Data Coding Scheme
SCTS7Service Centre Time Stamp
UDL1User Data Length
SMSCPNUMSM Service Centre
OAPNUMOriginating Address
TA1Type of OA

SMS Stored [0x2a]

LOC1SMS memory location where stored to

BZZZZ [0x2b]

EID1Cause of BZZZZ

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