Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 11 – Cell and Local Area Information

Available in: 2100, 3330, 5110, 6150, 6210, 7110, 8210, 8250

This test displays basic information about the current cell and local area.

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MCC: Mobile Country Code - 3 digit country code of the current country you are in (yes Net Monitor will even tell you your country!).

MNC: Mobile Network Code - Up to 3 digit network code of the current GSM network of your country. (3 digits for GSM1900, otherwise 2 digits).

LAC: Location Area Code – 16-bit code (in decimal) of the current LA

CH: Channel – Up to 4 digit code of the current cell’s RF channel (ARFCN) of BCCH. If hopping is enabled, ‘H’ will appear in front of the channel number. [GSM 05.05 2.x]

CID: Cell ID – 16-bit code of cell, unique within LA. Displayed in decimal.

This test is useful for distinguishing the identity of the current cell. Since channels are reused many times across the GSM network, only the LAC and the Cell ID will allow you to confirm the identify of a cell.

This test will also determine your current LAC, it is useful to see how far a LAC extends. LACs with denser coverage and mobile usage tend to be smaller.

When the phone cannot contact the home network, it will start monitoring other GSM networks. When the phone is in SEARch mode (See “Test 1 – Current Cell Information”), this test will display the MCC, MNC, LAC, CH and CID of the monitored cell on the foreign GSM network.

As a sidenote, various network operators use conventions when defining LACs and CellIDs.


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