Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 14 – Change SS Screening Indicator value (active)

Available in: 2110i, 2140, 5110, 9210(i)

This test allows to select the SS Screening Indicator value that will be submitted to the GSM network in the MS Classmark 2 message.

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IS: The current value of the SS Screening Indicator. Viewing this test will display the value. Jumping to this test will cycle through the available values. As of GSM Phase2+, the available values are 00 and 01.

The SS (Supplementary Service) Screening Indicator is sent by the MS in the Classmark 2 Information Element at the beginning of the connection and is valid for that connection. The SS Screening Indicator informs the network about the phone’s Supplementary Service capabilities, so the network knows which Supplementary Service procedures are available and what versions it can use. The default value is 01 for a phase 2 phone, and 00 is typically used by phase 1 phones. Hence, by changing this value, you are changing the capabilities reported by the phone to the network. This is similar in principle to “Test 44 – Change Revision Level”. This test has little use, and has been removed from newer phones. The state of this test is not stored. When the phone is powered on, it will return to its default value (01). [GSM 04.10:5.x, 04.80:3.7.1]


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