Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 51 – Information about SIM

Available in: 2100, 3330, 5110, 6150, 6210, 7110, 8210, 8250

This test displays information about the SIM and the phone’s communication with it.

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VSel: Voltage of Vcc (SIM voltage), in volts. Can be 3V, 5V or 3/5V (??).

Bau: Speed enhancement parameters. Expressed as the value of F/D (for example 372 is the default F=372, D=1, and 64 is F=512, D=8). The Elementary Time Unit (etu) can hence be calculated as etu = (F/D)(1/fs) seconds, where fs is the clock frequency. Hence, smaller F/D means faster communication. [ISO7816-3, GSM 11.11:5.8.3]

SA1: Indicates whether the SIM card allows the clock to be stopped to save power. Either “YES” or “NO”. This information can also be found with the code *#746025625# (“*#sim clock#”).

SCond and CStop: Information about clock stop condition:
  • UP
  • DOWN
  • DOWN(UP)
  • UP(DOWN)

PIN1: The number of remaining attempts left to enter the PIN code. This code is often entered when starting the phone, or when changing settings that require authorization. When this code is incorrectly entered, the counter is decremented. When the counter reaches 0, the phone will ask for the PUK code. The initial value varies depending on the SIM, but usually is 3 attempts (GSM specification 11.11 seems to always refer to 3). When the PIN is correctly entered, the counter is reset to its initial value (after a very short period). When it's bigger than 9, you will see only last digit of it. [GSM 11.11:8.9]

PIN2: The number of remaining attempts left to enter the PIN2 code. This counter behaves as described above. Of course, even when it's equal 0, you can normally use SIM card (PIN2/PUK2 are independent of PIN1/PUK1), when you know PIN1. If SIM card has blocked PIN2/PUK2 codes, you can enter to the menus contains supported by these codes functions (but after changing next settings you will see error). When SIM card doesn't support PIN2 functions, you will see "x" here). You can check, if these functions are supported, using call cost function too (if they're not, phone displays "Not allowed").

PUK1: The number of remaining attempts left to enter the PUK code. This code is required when the PIN code attempts have been expired, and the PUK code is required to unblock and enter a new PIN. When this code is incorrectly entered, the counter is decremented. When the counter reaches 0, the PUK can never be used and hence most features of the SIM are useless. The initial value is usually 10 (GSM specification 11.11 seems to always refer to 10). When the PUK code is correctly entered, this counter is returned to its initial value, the new PIN is assigned, and the PIN attempts counter is also returned to its initial value. [GSM 11.11:8.13]

PUK2: The number of remaining attempts left to enter the PUK2 code, which unblocks the PIN2 code if the PIN2 code attempts have been expired. The counter behaves as described above.

ATR: ATR reset counter. The number of times the ATR has needed to be retransmitted. The Answer-To-Reset is a sequence sent by the card on the I/O pin when the phone applies the correct sequence to the RESET pin. The ATR sequence describes the parameters and capabilities of the SIM, such as communication speed, clock stop capabilities etc and details about the protocol. If the ATR is not received successfully, or it includes parameters that are incompatible or invalid, the phone must attempt to reset it at least 3 times before giving up. Normally this counter is 0 (i.e. the ATR was sent once and was successful). [ISO7816-3, GSM 11.11:5.10]

FE/PE: Frame error or parity error counter. This displays either the number of frame errors (information in a data frame is invalid) or parity error (i.e. a byte was transmitted incorrectly). The first two characters indicate the type of error ‘FE’ and ‘PE’ for frame and parity errors respectively. The next two characters form a hexadecimal counter of the number of that type of error.

If you don't have SIM card in the phone, you will see "ERROR1" in this test.

If phone has problems with communication with SIM card, this test can look like follows:
ERROR1 5  55

Here are some observations for SIM voltage selection type (first parameter) Nokia 5110 and tested SIM cards: After enabling phone reads some information from SIM card (for example, number saved on it SMS messages, numbers from phonebook) - when you try to read something, what is written there (for example, phonebook), "SIM card not ready" message is displayed then (and first parameter shows 3). I noticed, that phone can't display names assigned to numbers in phonebook too (for example, when you call somebody) and shows, that "Inbox" and "Outbox" are empty (even, when some messages are saved there).

Later value of parameter changes to 3/5 - I suppose, SIM card clock is enabled then.

Phone disables it (in test value 3), when communicates with network (requesting services, sending or receiving SMS messages) because of saving energy (the same in NSPS state).

When you call to number assigned to name in phonebook (or phone recognizes incoming number), value to the end of call is equal 3/5 (otherwise it changes to 3). After end of call is always equal 3. Logical conclusion: after enabling phone saves in own memory checksum for all numbers from phonebook (it's enought to make for 7 last digits - they're used to identify number in Nokia phones). If this checksum is the same to checksum for number, you're calling (or incoming number), phone reads name from phonebook...

And the last observation: without connection (see above) value of first parameter is equal 3/5 (is some energy loose? Probably yes... But why counter from Test 20 doesn't show any change in their consumption?)

When you try to open "Outbox" or "Inbox", phone doesn't enable clock, when they're empty (that's why I think, that phone saves into own memory number of saved SMS messages too).


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