Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 34 – Information about FBUS connection

Available in: 6150, 6210, 9210(i), ????

Test screen Help screen
Test 34 Test 34 Help
Test 34 (9210i) Test 34 (9210i) Help

(In Nokia 9210(i) the help screen is different, although most values seem to mean the same)

CM: Current FBUS media in hex

LD: Last sender device in hex

LM: Last sender media in hex

NM: Next media to be connected. Same as CM if the connection is not pending

PEC: FBUS parity error counter

FEC: FBUS framing error counter

OEC: FBUS overrun error counter

ACC: FBUS alive check counter

RXS: Received sequence number

TXS: Sent sequence number

MOD: Phone mode: S=slave, H=host

Description above is from some English documents. As you can see in some phones (like Nokia 5110) values in this test looks rather different, but help is the same. But, when you make connection with FBUS cable and make transmission, first line of values in this test changes to "1E0C1E -". When you will look into some FBUS protocol descriptions, you will see, that:
  • "1E" could mean datas send with FBUS protocol over cable
  • "0C" could mean, that FBUS cable is connected to phone
and it's the truth. So, it means, that this description is real (even, that test looks a little different).

Observation from Nokia 6150:
Test screen
eeffgghh i j
  • aabbcc:
    • 000000 - no transmission after enabling phone
    • 1E0C1E - there was FBUS transmission
    • 140000 - there was infrared connection using NBS (business card, calendar entry, etc.)
    • 1C7F1C - there was 2-players snake game (host)
    • 1C001C - there was 2-players snake game (slave)
  • hh: 0 - no infrared transmission in this moment
  • i: increases for example after each sending data using infrared and NBS or ending transmission
  • j: P - infrared enabled, searching next device (blinking indicator in phone)
  • l: H - host in infrared transmission; S - slave in infrared transmission
  • m: T - infrared enabled, connection terminated (blinking indicator in phone)


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