Re: Nokia protocols documentation

Marcel Holtmann (
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 14:33:35 +0200

> Could someone please direct me to any existing documentation for the
> protocol (preferably not just source for Gnokii)? This would help me get up
> to speed as quickly as possible, of course.
> If someone can also point out what aspects of the protocol remain to be
> investigated (if it isn't already obvious) I will focus my efforts there.

There was some time ago a posting on this list. I attached it to this E-Mail.
But this is old and could be expanded with the features gnokii has grown up in
the meantime. I would set up a website end of this week or maybe next week
with the protocol of the fbus based on this document and the functions gnokii
have and some experiences done by my self.

Theres another document on Pavels ftp site, where he started to descripe the
acting of the NCDS and some protocol specs. This should be completed also.
BTW can you put the verdana fonts you use in the directory too, so that other
people can complete the document.


Message types:

    hex: Short description
       x msg desc { ... }

    hex: message type
    x: s=send (eg. to mobile), r=receive
    { ... }: data after 0x00, 0x01, 0x00 header
    {+... }: raw data (without header)

0x01: Call Information
    s voice call { 0x01, "numbers", 5, 1, 1, 5, 81, 1, 0, 0, 1 }
    s data call { 0x01, "numbers", 1, 2, 1, 5, 81, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 10, 7,162, 136, 129, 33, 21,99, 168, 0, 0 }
    r missed call { 0x04, seqnr }
    r incoming call alert { 0x05, seqnr, numlen, "number", namelen, "name" }
    r answered call { 0x07, seqnr }
    r terminated call { 0x09, seqnr }
0x02: SMS handling
    s Send SMS message { 0x01, 0x02, 0x00 (SEND REQUEST), ... }
    r Message sent { 0x02 }
    r Send failed { 0x03 }
    s Get SMS message { 0x07, 0x02, location, 0x01, 0x64 }
    s Initiate connection { 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 }
    r SMS message received { 0x10, ...... } (whole message)
    s Get SMS center { 0x33, 0x64, priority }
    r SMS center received { 0x34, priority, ... } 21-> smscenter number (BCD), 33-> smscenter name
    r SMS center error recv { 0x35 }
0x03: Phonebook functions
    s Get mem location { 0x01, memtype, location, 0 }
    r mem location recvd { 0x02, memtype, namelen,"name",numlen,"number",group }
    r mem loc error recvd { 0x03, errtype }
      errtype: 0x7d: invalid memory type
    s Set mem location { 0x04, memtype, location,namelen,"Name",numlen,"number", 0xff }
    r mem set OK { 0x05 }
    r mem set error { 0x06, errtype }
      errtype: 0x7d: name is too long
    s Mem status request { 0x07, memtype }
    r Mem status recvd { 0x08, memtype, free, used }
    r Mem status error recv { 0x09, errtype }
      errtype: 0x6f: mem status error
               0x7d: invalid memory type
               0x8d: waiting for pin
0x04: Phone Status
    s request { 0x01 }
    r recvd { 0x02, mode, signal str, ???, pwr, batt.level }
      mode: 1: registered within the network
            2: call in progress
            3: waiting for pin
            4: powered off
      pwr: 1: AC/DC
           2: battery
0x08: PIN request
    r pin recvd { 0x08, accepted }
      accepted: 0x0c: OK
    s entering pin { 0x0a, 0x02, "PIN", 0x00 }
0x0a: Network status
    r network registration 10->cellID(2B), 12->LAC(2B), 14->netcode(3B)
0x0d: Keylock
    r keylock status 6->(==2: on)
0x11: Phone clock & alarm
    s set date and time { 0x60, 1,1,7,yearh,yearl,month,mday,hour,min,0x00 }
    r date and time set { 0x61 }
    s get date and time { 0x62 }
    r date and time recvd { 0x63,?,?,?,?,yearh,yearl,month,mday,hour,min,second }
    s set alarm { 0x6b, 1,32,3,0x02(on-off),hour,min,0x00 }
    r alarm set { 0x6c }
    s get alarm { 0x6d }
    r alarm received { 0x6e,?,?,?,?,alrm(==2:on),hour,min }
0x12: Connect to NBS port
    s Send {+0x0c, 0x01, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04,destporth,destportl,srcporth,srcportl,...
      (without 0,1,0 header -- for oplogo, cli, ringtone etc upload)
    s Calendar notes set { 0x66... }
    r Calendar note recvd { 0x67... }
0x14: SMS funcs
    r SMS message frame rcv { 0x08,subtype,?,num,?,BCD(smscenter)...} 20->type, 22->status
      type: 0x06: delivery report
                  status: 0x00: delivered
                          0x30: pending
                          0x46: failed
            0x09: reading failed
                  subtype: 0x02: invalid mem type
                           0x07: empty SMS location
    s Delete SMS message { 0x0a, 0x02, location }
    r Delete OK { 0x0b }
    s SMS status request { 0x36, 0x64 }
    r SMS status { 0x37,?,?,?,?,?,?,msgnumber,unread }
    r SMS status error { 0x38 }
    s Phone ID request { 0x10 }
    r Phone ID recvd { "NOKIA", "imei", 0, "model", 0, "prod.code", 0, "HW", 0, "firmware", magic bytes x 4 ... }
0x7f: Acknowledge {+type, seq }
0xd0: Power on message seq 1 (receive only)
0xf4: Power on message seq 2 (receive only)

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