Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 76 – Ear (= downlink) audio display

Available in: 5110, 9210(i), ????

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EVol: volume level (below information are correct for Nokia 5110):
Description a b
speaker disabled 0 F
sound like after pressing key (volume level 1) 0 8
sound like after pressing key (volume level 2) 0 4
sound like after pressing key (volume level 3 or enable loud sounds) 0 0

During connection a parameter has "A" value, parameter b allows to calculate set volume level (count it to the decimal value and substract 11 from it) - this last parameter can be checked in Test 30 too. When you connect headset, parameter a has "C" value (formula for counting volume level during call is "10 - b" then). With car kit, a parameter is equal "2" and formula is "10 - b" too.

When somebody calls to you (you didn't receive it yet), phone doesn't show volume of sound always (displayed valued are for disabled speaker) - Don't know, if it's firmware bug (5.07) or something different. Phone shows it (volume) only with some combinations of types of rings (Ringing, Asceding) and volume ring (Values for both of these parameters: level 1 - A7, level 2 - A6, level 4 - A4, level 5 - A0).

PeakVal: Peak value of downlink audio signal during last frame in dB, decimal point and sign is not shown, ie. -10.5 is show 105.

CutOff: Cut off counter value of last frame. This counter counts how many samples are saturated during last frame.

COAve: Moving average of cut off counter, decimal point and sign is not shown, ie. -10.5 is show 105.

PkAver: Moving average of peak levels.

Some English sources write about this test: "The display is reset and restarted when call is taken (if NetMonitor display counters are enabled). When call is terminated the display is frozen to show last values. Display values will not be saved to the EEPROM."

...but others write that this counters is equal 0 all the time (is something additionaly required to enable this test?)


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