Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 79 – Audio equalizer display

Available in: <5110, 9210(i), ????

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Test 79 Test 79 Help

MiCutB: Saturated samples before microphone equalizer in decimal 16 bit

MiCTA: Saturated samples after microphone equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned integer format.

EpCutB: Saturated samples before earpiece equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned integer format.

EPCTA: Saturated samples after earpiece equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned integer format.

MiCLev: Level of the microphone signal level detector in dB format. Requires log10 function in MCU. 16 bit signed value in DSP, 0 dB = 32768.

EarLv: Level of the signal after earpiece equalizer in dB format. Requires log10 function in MCU. 16 bit signed value in DSP, 0 dB = 32768.

Some English sources write about this test: "The display is reset and restarted when call is taken. When call is terminated the display is frozen to show last values. Display will not be saved to EEPROM. Saturated sample counters MiCutB - EPCTA are counted in DSP and only the new counter value is sent to MCU. The microphone and earpiece signal levels are calculated in DSP and it sends the linear values to MCU which makes the linear to dB transformation (20*log10(x)) for the level values."

...but others write that this counters is equal 0 all the time (is something additionaly required to enable this test?)


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