Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 107 – Voice Dialling/Unknown data

Available in: 2100, 3330, 5110, 6150, 6210, 7110, 8210, 8250

In Nokia 6210/6250 (in 8210/3310 - Test 100)

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Test 107 Test 107 Help

mm: Number of recorded voice tags in phone. Maximal value is 8 (for Nokia 8210/3310) or 10 (for Nokia 6210).

ps: Info about using voice dialling engine:
  • 0 - it wasn't used after enabling phone.
  • 1 - voice tag was not recognized or Play/Save function were used.
  • 5 - voice tag was recognized.
  • 7 - user was in voice dialling function menu and selected Cancel function.
  • 8 - voice dial in progress (in use).

Ver: Version of voice dialling engine (?).

Date: Date of releasing voice dialling engine (?).

Values of counters (without mm parameter) are not saved to EEPROM, when phone is disabled.

WARNING: in some phones (like Nokia 3310), if you want to give phone to service for upgrading firmware, remove earlier ALL voice tags from its' memory. In other case memory for them can be decreased for so many voice tags, as were saved in memory in the moment, when it was given to service (example: in Nokia 3310 with two voice tags before upgrading firmware, after it it was possible to save maximal 6 voice tags, counter "mm" showed 2, but phone in Menu 1-10 displayed, that memory for them is empty).

In Nokia 7110

Test screen Help screen
Test 107 (7110) Test 107 (7110) Help

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