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The following Information is gathered just by listening into the MBUS-Communication and by guessing and trying a lot. No PICs has been read out or disassembled. No Nokia DLR-3p has been disassembled or sniffed by me.Note: Nokia MBUS ist sometimes also called M2BUS. Do not confuse this whith the I2C based Bus on some Motherboards.Before you continue, you should get fimilar with the very basics of the MBUS-Protocol:
With the "first version" DLR-3 Cable, I made some connections and created some stress-situations to find out, how RTS,CTS, and the other Signals are coded into the last message byte.
RTS SignalingRTS is delivered to the phone via the XEAR pin. Pulling it low (through 1K) means, the phone is allowed to send. Having it high, or letting it float will prevent the phone from sending any data to the PC.DTR: Connection Hangup and FBUS-SwitchFor the DTR-Signal the XMIC-Pin is used. While it is usually used to identify a DLR-3p cable to the phone, it can be used as DTR after the MBUS-communication with the phone has been established. Thanks to Anatoly Sudanov for the DTR-Info above!Dropping DTR causes two things: a) an active dataconnection is terminated, and b) the Serial-Pins are switched from AT-Mode to FBUS-Mode. |
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