Nokia 21xx Communications Protocol


Serial Parameters


 9600 bps


 Stop Bits


RTS and DTR must be logic 0 (voltage >= +10v) to provide power for the interface lead.


Protocol Details

Since communication occurs over a bidirectional 1 bit bus, a half duplex protocol is in operation.

Much of the data transfer is along the lines:

<computer sends request>

<phone sends ack>
<phone sends response>

<computer sends ack>

It is, however, possible for the phone to automatically send notification of certain events (e.g. the reception of a new SMS message) autonomously without a corresponding request from the computer. Thus, it is not safe
to assume the contents of a received message from the phone.

Shown below are the general formats for request, response and acknowledgement packets.


Request from Computer

|00|ri|fl|data frame|id|chk|

 ri  request identifier, wakeup: 0xf8 normal:0xe4
 fl  length of data frame - 1 (<= 0x78)
 data frame  main body of the request
 id  request identity number 1..n, incremented after the request is accepted
 chk  checksum created by XORing all the preceding bytes in the request

Ack from Phone

|ri|00|fl|[data frame]|id|chk|

 ri request identifier taken from original request packet
 fl 0x7f if ri=0xe4 or 0x7e if ri=0xf8
 data frame data, only present if ri=0xf8
 id request identity number 1..? corresponding to the original request packet id
 chk checksum created by XORing all the preceding bytes in the ack


Response from Phone

|ri|00|fl|data frame|id|chk|

 ri response identifier (corresponds to original request if appropriate) 0xe4 or 0xe0
 fl bytes in data frame - 1 (<= 0x78)
 data frame main body of response
 id  response identity number 1..?, independently generated by phone
 chk  checksum created by XORing all the preceding bytes in response


Ack from Computer


 ri  response identifier taken from response packet
 fl  0x7f
 id  response identity number 1..? corresponding to the response packet id
 chk  checksum created by XORing all the preceding bytes in the ack


Request Sequence

Before free communication can occur the computer must send a special request for communication:

 ri  0xf8
 data frame  0xe9 0x00 0x02 0x1c 0x00 0x1c

The complete packet is:


The phone will acknowledge with:

 ri  0xf8
 data frame  0x1c 0x01 0x1c

The complete acknowledgement packet is:


WAP-gateway IP:
Port: 9201

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