6160 MBUS protocol

From: Cory, Ted (Ted.Cory@andrew.com)
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 18:06:49 BST

Mr. Janik,

Hello. My name is Ted Cory. About a year ago I reverse engineered a
portion of the Nokia MBUS protocol exchanged between a 6160 and a handsfree
kit (HFU). At that time I searched the web, and found that most of the
protocol reverse engineering effort was concentrated on the FBUS (i.e.6110).
It appears that you have started working on something I am very interested

I believe the following, and would be thankful if you would tell me if I am
correct, or totally off base...

        0 Start of frame character (0x1f)
        1 Destination address (an address of 0xff I believe to
be a broadcast to all)
        2 Source address
        3 Command
        4 0x00 (of possible MSB of length word)
        5 length byte
        6..end-2 data
        end-1 sequence number
        end checksum (xor of entire frame)

I am interested in remote dialing a 6160, and reverse engineered the
exchange between a modem and the phone. This did allow me to dial, but
unfortunately always put the phone into ANALOG mode (because it believed it
was talking to a modem...).

I also looked into the gnokii code, and attempted to gather some insight
into dialing from the FBUS code, but had no luck.

Would you have any ideas on what it takes to remote dial a 6160 and keep it
in DIGITAL mode? I would greatly appreciate any help, or suggestions where
to look. I did look into the CVS repository @ samba.org, and in the common
directory I found the mbus-6160.c file. This is what led me to you.

Thankyou for your time.


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