The connector pinout for Nokia phones

Stecker Nokia
(Looking from outside on the connector, keypad is on top. This description is valid for 51xx, 61xx and 71xx phones)
Pin Name Funktion sonstiges in / out
1 CHARGE Charging voltage 0..8.5V, 0..850mA in
2 CCONTROL Charging control PWM, 32..37 Hz, 1..99% out
3 MIC / XMIC Analog audio in 1Vpp / 100 Ohm in
    Analog audio in (Headset) 200mVpp / 2.5 KOhm / BIAS 100..600uA in
    Accessory mute > 2.5V not muted
< 1.5V muted
    Headset detection > 1.5V no Headset / Data mode
< 1.3V Headset connected
4 AGND Analog ground    
    Power Source for DLR3-cable 6210 : 2.8 V, 7110 : 3.3 V out
5 EAR / XEAR Analog audio out U = 80mV - 1.0V out
    Accessory detection < 0.2V : Headset connected
0.5V : Accessory connected
2.8V : no accessory connected
    PTT-Button connected to AGND when pressed in
6 MBUS Bidir. serial bus 9600 bps in / out
7 FBUS RX Serial data in 9600 - 230.400 bps
< 0.8V : '0'
> 2.0V : '1'
8 FBUS TX Serial data out 9600 - 230.400 bps
< 0.8V : '0' @ max. 4mA
> 1.7V : '1' @ max. 4mA
9 SGND Signal ground / Charging ground    

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