Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Net Monitor

What is the Nokia Net Monitor?

The Nokia Net Monitor is a hidden menu built into Nokia’s mobile phones that allows the user to view, and in some cases change internal data about the phone’s hardware, software and its connection with the mobile network. It is primarily intended for Nokia’s engineers and network operators, however some interested users like to have it enabled, often “because they can”.

What can I do with the Nokia Net Monitor?

The Nokia Net Monitor consists of a number of ‘tests’, each test is a page (screen) of information, some of which are interactive (explained later). Some of these tests contain useful information, others might be useless to anyone other than a Nokia engineer. In short, here is a list of some things that can be done with Net Monitor (by no means complete)

  • View information about the serving cell and neighbouring cells, such as accurate signal strengths, C1 and C2 values, transmitter power, timing advance
  • Lock the phone to a channel of choice, or in other words select a base station
  • View information about battery capacity and charging
  • Find out the reason a call terminated or couldn’t be made
  • Observe handover statistics
  • View SMS send, receive and failure statistics
  • View call statistics
  • View and edit files on your SIM card (use your phone as a SIM card editor)
  • Tweak audio values??
  • View timers measuring the phone’s uptime and how long it has been connected to a network
  • View information about the SIM card
  • View information about the phone’s operating system
  • Force the LCD and keypad backlighting on or off (useful for saving power or using phone as a torch)

Which Nokia phones have Net Monitor?

Most older Nokia phones, even analog phones, have a Net Monitor menu and it's relatively easy to turn it on.
The Nokia 2100, 3210, 3310, 3315, 3330, 3350, 5110, 5210*, 6110*, 6150*, 6210*, 6250*, 7110*, 8110, 8210*, 8250*, 8810, 8850*, 8855* and 9110 (and their various international versions) can all have Net Monitor easily enabled with a data cable and correct software. Phones marked with an asterisk (“*”) can also have Net Monitor activated through an infra-red connection.

The Net Monitor menu cannot be enabled by software on the recent phones such as the Nokia 8310, 6510, 6310, 6310i, 7210, 7250, 6610. These phones are known as DCT-4 phones. As it turned out, Net Monitor also present in their standard firmware (e.g. 6310i on pressing 15 in menu says "Shortcut not available", not "Invalid shorcut") and can be activated in them by replacing some bytes in the firmware, which, however, requires a programmer (box) and skills to work with it.
Learn more about Net Monitor for this platform and how to activate it.

Shortcut not available                        Invalid shorcut
When pressing 15 (must be
Net Monitor) in the 6310i menu
When the number of any
non-existent menu is pressed

Net Monitor activated
Net Monitor menu item on a
phone with patched firmware

The following table summarizes the methods in which Net Monitor can be enabled on various Nokia models:

Phone        Data-cable        Infra-red (IrDA/DirectIR)      
2100 Yes No
3210 Yes No
3310 Yes No
3315 Yes No
3330 Yes No
3350 Yes No
3410 ?? ??
3510 ?? ??
3610 ?? ??
3650 No No
5110 Yes No
6100 No No
6110 Yes Yes
6150 Yes Yes
6210 Yes Yes
6250 Yes Yes
6310(i) No No
6510 No No
6600 No No
6610 No No
6650 No No
7110 Yes Yes
7210 No No
7250(i) No No
7650* No No
8110 Yes No
8210 Yes Yes
8250 Yes Yes
8310 No No
8810 Yes Unknown
8850 Yes Yes
8855 Yes Yes
8910(i) No No
9110(i) Yes (MBUS) No
9210(i) Yes (MBUS) No
N-gage No No
*Note the 7650 can run the Ftd application, provided certain firmware requirements are met.
See JQ’s Nokia Net Monitor Guide for more information.


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