Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 24 – Battery/time information

Available in: 9210(i), 7110, ????

There is very little information about this test. Therefore, it may not be true.

Test screen Help screen
Test 24 Test 24 Help

V_inst: (Voltage instant????)

V_avg: (Voltage average?) average value of voltage from battery?

BSI value: (Battery Size Indicator) info connected with battery

Elapsed time: how many minutes phone work from enabling?

RST_m: (Rest Standby Time minutes?) does phone estimate here, how long phone can be in standby up to next charging?

RST_h: (Rest Standby Time hours?) does phone estimate here, how long phone can be in standby up to next charging?

In Nokia 9210(i)

Test screen Help screen
Test 24 (9210i) Test 24 (9210i) Help

EEPROM time: Apparently, the value (UTC?) by which the time of the communicator was last changed (when manually setting the time or when synchronizing with a PC).

DEV time: The current (UTC?) time of the communicator, represented by a 32-bit integer (similar to UNIX time, but here the reference point is clearly a different date).

CCONT time: The current UTC time of the communicator in hours, minutes and seconds format. What the first two digits are for is unknown. They are always zero for me.

Time offset: The number of seconds (decimal value) by which UTC time is shifted to obtain the time of the current time zone. If the time zone is negative (time less than UTC), then a minus will be shown instead of the first digit.


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