Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)



Test 52 – Read datafield from SIM card

Available in: 7110, ????

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This display reads a binary datafield from SIM card to SIM SCM memory (SCM = Short Code Memory and it means phonebook on SIM card).

Prior using this display the identifier of datafield has to be stored as an alpha-identifier (name) of SCM location number 34 of SIM memory. The datafield must be written in hexadecimal notation. The identifiers can be found from the GSM 11.11.

The contents of datafield is stored as a data-identifier of SCM location number 35 of SIM memory. The contents are displayed in hexadecimal notation. The maximum length of the datafield is 10 bytes, but the length depends on the name length of the SIM memory. In case the datafield cannot be read the alpha-identifier of SCM location is NOT DONE.

The information of how the read succeeded can be read from the SCM location 36 of SIM memory and on the display for a short period.

The following results are possible:
Result Description
OK Datafield was read correctly
NOT BINARY Datafield is either formatted or cyclic
NOT FOUND Datafield was not found from SIM card
CARD ERROR Something weird happened, card did not respond as expected
NO RIGHTS Not enough rights to read the datafield (PIN2, adm..)
NOT STORED Could not store into the result memory place
NO ADDRESS Could not read the address from the SCM-location
UNKNOWN Unidentified error

For the time being following binary datafields exist in SIM. In future there could be more. All of these are not necessarily on all SIM cards.
DF Description Length
2FE2 ICC identification (10 bytes)
6F05 Language preference (variable length)
6F07 IMSI (9 bytes)
6F20 Ciphering key Kc (it's read from card after entering PIN) (9 bytes)
6F30 PLMN selector (variable length)
6F31 HPLMN (home network ?) search period (1 byte)
6F37 ACM maximum value (3 bytes)
6F38 SIM service table (2-4 bytes)
6F41 Price per unit and currency table (5 bytes)
6F45 Cell broadcast message identifier selection (variable length)
6F74 Broadcast control channels (16 bytes)
6F78 Access control class (2 bytes)
6F7B Forbidden PLMNs (see Test 7) (12 bytes)
6F7E Location information (TMSI, Local Area Information
(consist of MCC, MNC & LAC - see Test 11 for them),
last Location Update status)
(11 bytes)
6FAD Administrative data (variable length)
6FAE Phase identification (1 byte)
6F43 SMS status (variable length)

Next two binary datafields are phase 2+ features which are not currently in use

6F3E Group Identifier Level 1 (variable length)
6F3F Group Identifier Level 2 (variable length)


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