Nokia Net Monitor description (DCT3)

Redaction 0.73 from 09 May 2024 year

(Compiled by the author of the site)

Net Monitor
Many thanks to Jeremy Quirke for the JQ’s Nokia Net Monitor Guide.
Also thanks to Marcin Wiącek for the NetMonitor in Nokia DCT1-DCT3 phones.
And thanks to Nokia for the Operator Field Test Display 6110/5110, 6130/5130, 6150, 8810.

Most tests photos were taken on Nokia 6210 phone with firmware 04.27 from 21 Dec 2000.
Other photos were taken on:
Nokia 3210 phone with (last) firmware 06.00 from 03 Oct 2000,
Nokia 3310 phone with (last) firmware 06.39 from 23 Dec 2004,
Nokia 3330 phone with (last) firmware 04.50 from 12 Oct 2001,
Nokia 5110 phone with (last) firmware 05.30 from 29 Sep 2000,
Nokia 5210 phone with (last) firmware 05.40 from 11 Oct 2003,
Nokia 5510 phone with (last) firmware 03.53 from 15 Apr 2002,
Nokia 6210 phone with (last) firmware 05.56 from 25 Jan 2002,
Nokia 6250 phone with (last) firmware 05.03 from 06 Dec 2001,
Nokia 7110 phone with (last) firmware 05.01 from 08 Dec 2000,
Nokia 9210i communicator with (last) firmware 06.00 from 17 Feb 2003.


Getting started:
Field Tests (01-19):
Battery/Power Tests (20–25):
Misc. Phone Software and Status Information Tests (30-39):
Layer 1/Layer 2 statistics and Various Controls Tests (40-45):
Memory and SIM Information Tests (51–57):
Network Related Statistics Tests (60–66)
Digital Signal Processor Tests (70-79)
Phone Software Information Tests (80–89)
Specific Phone Information Tests (90–140)
Music system tests in 5510 (180–186)
Switching tests (240-250)


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